Five Fandom Friday – Fictional characters I relate to



This weeks topic is Five Fictional Characters I Relate To

1. Darlene Conner from Roseanne.

Darlene will always be at the top any list of this kind for me. The similarities between her character and myself are endless. I can be mouthy, I enjoy art, My boyfriend moved in with me while we were still in high school due to unforeseen circumstances. We later married and had a premature baby girl. I sometimes felt like I was watching my life unfold before my eyes and was rooting for her and David every step of the way. In the finale episode I was devastated to find out that the “real life” Darlene and David were not together.

“Darlene: Hey Mark! Two plus two?
Mark: What?
Darlene: Yeah. I thought so.”

2. Emily from Corpse Bride.

Emily strives to do the right thing, even if that is the most difficult thing in the world. She tries to make the best of any situation even when her heart is breaking. She is a true romantic and gets attached quickly. She can have one heck of an attitude if she needs to though.

“Isn’t the view beautiful? It takes my breath away. Well, it would if I had any.” – Emily

3. Frigga from Thor.

As a mother I try to be like Frigga and I see a lot of similarities. She loves her kids unconditionally and tries to support them in any way she can. She is the peacemaker of her family. She keeps her emotions in check for the sake of her people. She is a strong woman.

“He kept the truth from you so you would never feel different. You are our son, Loki, and we your family.” – Frigga

4, Ursula from The Little Mermaid.

Ursula is the powerful and revengeful side of me. She is wicked but you would be too if you had been called a sea witch most of your life. She just wanted to be happy but of course goes about it in a terrible way. She is beautiful and smart.

“A woman doesn’t know how precious her voice is until she’s been silenced.” – Ursula

5. Belle from Once Upon A Time.

Watching Belle grow from a pliable dependent girl to a strong independent woman has been quite the journey. I can relate to her in many ways. She took a long time to find herself, she is in love and willing to work hard at it, and she is a book lover.

“Sometimes the best book has the dustiest jacket, and sometimes the best teacup is chipped.” – Belle French

Honorable Mention: Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter.

Luna is the perfect representation of my quirky side. I love that she marches to the beat of her own drum and that she doesn’t let others sway her opinions.

“I’ve never been to this part of the castle. Well, not awake. I sleepwalk, you see. That’s why I wear shoes to bed.” – Luna Lovegood


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